
Payday Loan

How To Get Out Of The Payday Loan Trap Today!

So many people have dug themselves what seems like a bottomless hole with payday loan debt. It begins to look like there is no way out, and people become more and more desperate for help on how to get out of the payday loan trap today! This company reminds me of a conventional mousetrap.…

Payday Loan

States Are Learning How To Fight Payday Loans

State by state this country is slowly getting it right. States are learning how to fight payday loans with new laws, and it is about time. Alabama is the latest state to call for a statewide database that will  record all payday loan transactions and keep track of peoples activities. The idea is to avoid…

Payday Loan

No More Payday Loans In New York

It is nice to see some states take a stand against companies who take advantage of people. I am happy to report that there are no more payday loans in New York. Any payday loan activity that takes place in this state now will be illegal, and subject to strict enforcement from  New York Attorney…

Payday Loan

Payday Loan Scams on the Rise

Are you safe from these professional con artists? Seems with payday loan scams on the rise, anybody who takes out these high interest short term loans could be taken to the cleaners if they are not very careful! Every day brings a new twist to this business, and the losers are always the underprivileged, poor…

Payday Loan

Payday Loan Advice

When looking to take out a payday loan, the first thing a person needs to do is some investigating of the services offered, or at least checking out some payday loan advice. We here at Help payday Loan Debt thought we would post a bit of a guide to follow when thinking about these loans.…

Payday Loan

Online Payday Loans Attacked

“California’s online payday loans attacked”, and rightfully so! The kind of headline I love seeing. California is joining in the fight to eliminate illegal online payday loan companies, but there are so many of them to shut down, the fight may last a while. It seems to be a battle between state laws and the…


Prepayment of Home Loan – Reduce EMI or Tenure

Prepaying a Home Loan may help you reduce the principal and also lessen the interest rates! If you have some surplus money at your disposal, you should prepay a Housing Loan and reduce the overall costs. You can also utilize a Home Loan prepayment calculator to know about the charges involved and other aspects. However,…